Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to our Patreon or donated!
You guys help keep the metaphorical and literal lights on here at TFG Radio!
Here so be the names of the heroes forever to be inscribed upon these hallowed halls
Daniel Givens | Kelsey Ito | Tom Malone | Adam Norton |
Brent Selle | Jordan Wood | Adam Solis | David Tehero |
John Solis | Jacob Contreras | Joshua Yung | Luke Foster |
Gabriel Fantini | Robert Macias | Dave Cutts | Ryan Comeau |
Kim | David Soulsby | Chris Sardo | Michael Shuelke |
Alex Walsgott | Victoria Broman | Matthew Hamilton | James Salyers |
Dennis Lave | Tom Neas | Robert Mohun | Joshua Yung |
Jack Crisci | Brian Fuchs | Juravial Qualthas | Chad Bloom |
Jesse Patten | Denny Lave |
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